Thursday, April 11, 2024

Seed Therapy - A step towards Nature, thereby closer to divine!

Shri Gurubhyo Namaha

Thanking the Gurus who have shared their knowledge on internet and books

Source: Internet, books, youtube,  Prof. Park Jae Woo, Dr. Uma Rao Ma’am, Dr. Tharakeshwari

For consultation, call - Dr. Tharakeshwari - 8220761513

Link to Sujok Seed Therapy doc by Prof. Park Jae Woo

Dr. Tharakeshwari's Seed Therapy Youtube link

ॐ नमामि धन्वन्तरिं आदिदेवम I सुरासुर वन्दिते पद पद्मम् II

लोके जरा रुक् भय मृत्यु नाशनम् I धतर्मिशम् विविध औषधिनाम् II

Dhanvantri - God of Ayurveda, holding a shankha, chakra, leeches, chakra and amrita kalasha. He is the dispeller of all sufferings.

A few home remedies for often-issues -

1) Excess heat in the body - Methi(Fenugreek) in-between middle finger and ring finger from palm side to the web. Alternatively, apply castor oil on the crown of head, rub the same into the soles, big toe nail and toe webs and next day, a good any oil full body massage and bath thereafter.

2) Excess Vata(Gaseous) in the body - For just a week, swallow 2 pepper corns after breakfast or after dinner. Don't chew on it! Repeat after 3 months, if condition persists.

3) Constipation - (a) Middle of palm, apply methi(fenugreek) in circular pattern overnight. (like we apply mehendi) or (b) boil a piece of sweet potato, mash it, add pinch of pepper, salt, turmeric and castor oil and consume in the morning on empty stomach. Note - Only moong dal kichdi (green gram porridge) for the next meal that day.

4) Urinary challenges - (a) interlock and release pinky fingers multiple times or (b) pinch the back of your ankle 5-6 times when the urge is there

5) Reduced Platelets - make a paste of crushed papaya leaves and apply in the middle of palm like mehndi. Also consume the papaya leaf juice till platelets increase. (Available in ayurveda shops these days)

6) Diarrhea/Loose motion - (a) Chew on few rice grains - loose motion will gradually stop or (b) roast sun-dried sundakkai(turkey berry) and eat it

7) Nerve challenges - (pinched nerve/pulled nerve/nerve pain) - Mix honey and lime paste(chunna) in your palm and apply that mix to the affected area for 5/6 hours - 2 to 3 days

8) private areas (both male and female) - irritation/itching - apply chunna to the big toe nail

Other natural remedies -

Let us understand the organ system and how they are interconnected.

We are all connected.

Seeds have life and energy. When we intake seeds, it gives energy to our organs and when fixed in our palm, they transfer energy through the pranic channel and the interstitial fluid. What is interstitial fluid?

How do seeds grow? With sunlight from outside, through water conducted under the soil. So, under the right conditions of temperature, moisture and sunlight, seeds can grow into a new plant, so they are considered as living things.

Plants search for water under the ground! (The water diviner!)

Plants support each other in a symbiotic system - They even keep the dead trunk stump alive!! Mycelium or mycorrysis is a fungus that expands underground creating a network of connections between all plant species - like our internet - It is the universal language.

Mycelium fungus allows them to not only communicate, but also take care of themselves, feed themselves, stock up on water, etc. Once a tree is cut down in the forest, this mycelium communicates with other trees saying that one of them is dying. Immediately, other trees start feeding with water and protect it as the dying trunk is part of the forest family. 

Seeds are natural simulators to acupressure points and are also part of Sujok therapy. And so they are used as healers as they are embedded with energy to manifest into a new plant. They are used to act as stimulator to the pressure points - gives relief from the condition that one is suffering from. Pebbles, twigs, leaves, petals, seeds, etc. may also be applied. By the principle of similarity, the impact of natural materials will be more effective than artificial stimulators.

Su means hand, Jok means feet. 

1988 – First presented by Prof. Park Jae Woo, a year after Korean Sujok Therapy.

This therapeutic system functions as an electric circuit generating electromagnetic waves that occurs in an affected part of body or organ as a result of the disturbance of energy flow or circulation. These waves travel simultaneously in all directions, especially in the area the most resonating with the given organ/ body part.

Sujok points are used for seed therapy. The reflex points of the internal organs are found in the palm, hence we apply seeds to these points to heal the self.

Seeds = Life energy + five elements energy just like us

First let us understand our organ system and their correspondence in our palm and fingers.

Identifying the point
  • Seeds are applied to the areas corresponding to the affected organs

  • Identify the ouch point(most painful point)

  • Attach seeds to adhesive tape(micropore tape from a medical shop)

  • Fix it on the hand or foot correspondence of the affected organ

  • For chronic condition - seed at rest, seeds of herbs, seeds of gymnosperms plants(exposed naked  seed - conifer)  may be used

  • For acute condition - a germinating seed, dicotyledon(legumes) or arboreal seed (pertaining to tree) may be used

  • For harmonising - monocotyledons may be used - of cereals

Excellent link for condition-wise/disease-wise list of acupressure treatment points - 

Seed’s Nature

Seeds suitable


Pepper, mustard, Horse Gram(kollu)


Methi(Fenugreek), Green gram, Castor seeds


Cow pea(thattai payiru), Rajma, Chickpea


Soya beans, Red Vaadha narayana seeds(red lucky seeds/saga)

Note: Red lucky seed, famous in kerala temples (manjadikuru) is toxic when taken raw, should be eaten only when cooked.

For how many days should one do seed therapy for best results?

Age in years

Seed therapy

(Count in days)

Hours per day

Children upto 10

Number of days = their age 

Max. 2 hours only

10 to 20

Number of days = their age 

Max. 3 hours daily

20 to 48

48 days

Min. 4 - 8 hours daily

> 48

Number of days = their age 

Min. 4 - 8 hours daily

Specific points to note:
  1. Pepper should be just 1, 2 or 3 not more than that as it will increase heat in the body

  2. For people prone to sinus, avoid fenugreek seeds in thumb

  3. Do not use pepper and mustard seeds simultaneously, unless recommended

  4. For best results, include pranayama to seed therapy

Sense organs and all the nerves are driven by the air-element, hence pranayama will provide more relief and faster healing.

Note - Pain in the face excruciating than any other part of the body as it is the air-zone and hence any condition to the face region(sinus, mouth ulcer, ear-ache, sore throat, etc.) will seem more painful than damage to any other part of the body and will be accompanied with headache most times. Best medicine is 5-6 rounds of simple anulom-vilom and 3-4 rounds of any cooling pranayama. (Personal experience).

General Points to note:
  1. Seeds only on left hand

  2. Use micropore tape 1 inch (3M)

  3. Seeds should not come in contact with water

  4. Seeds not be reused

  5. Seeds should not be applied during periods or pregnancy

  6. Seeds may be kept during nights also. If during day, consider wearing gloves to avoid contact with water

  7. In a span of 24 hours, apply seeds for maximum upto 8 hours.(refer table for day count). Then, repeat after 12 hours.

So, let us start taping seeds from thumb tip and observe what all it can heal as we go all the way till the finger tips.

Seeds - location on palm


  1. Thumb front side top portion - 2 pepper

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Fits, Edema in head, coldness in head, paralysis, memory loss, regulation of blood circulation, relief from coma

Thumb front side top portion - methi seeds

Hair fall, reduce hotness, Dandruff

  1. Thumb front side top mark the eye part - fix 2 pepper

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Sudden loss of eye vision, myopia, hyperopia, eye strain, watery eyes, eye nerve pain, cataract, eye pressure

  1. Thumb front side top mark the ear part - fix 2 pepper

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Deafness, fluid in ear, Tinnitus, noise in the ear, vertigo, Ear pain due to thyroid

  1. Thumb front side top mark the nose part - fix 1 pepper

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Nose blockage, nose bleeding, sinus, breathing difficulties, nose muscle growth, nose bone pain

Thumb front side mouth part - methi seeds

Lip sores, inflammation, dryness in eyes, mouth ulcers




  1. Thumb front side neck part - crease at the bottom of thumb  - 1 pepper

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Thyroid, Tonsillitis, cough, throat infection, hormone imbalance, weight loss, neck pain 

Fix 4-5 peas vertically at the back of the thumb below nail  depending on the cervical count

Cervical pain

  1. Below Thumb lung & heart part - mustard seeds

  2. Index finger bottom square - methi

Chest pain, cholesterol reduction, breathing problem, asthma, cough, chest, congestion, paralysis, palpitation

Fix some methi or mustard seed in the spleen point in your palm

Diabetes, blood purification, stomach pain, menstrual problems, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite, excess hunger


Seeds - location on palm


  1.  Left hand middle finger top - one pepper (Akash tattva)

  2.  Index finger bottom square - methi (vata and protecting abdomen from unnecessary pepper heat)

Disease Free (Just like Apana Vayu mudra)

Stress-free, Energy to brain, telepathy

Also Pineal Gland treatment

  1.  Index finger - middle square - mustard

  2.  Index finger - bottom square - Methi

Fever in winter - first confirm fever is because of the weather  (lungs focus being winter) - Soak/Bathe in rock/sea salt warm water

  1.  Little finger front side top area - one pepper for front body pain or back side top area - for back body pain or both sides - 1 pepper each for full body pain

  2.  Index finger - bottom square - Methi

Full body pain

Or only Front body pain or only back body pain

Soak/Bathe in rock/sea salt warm water

  1.  Index finger - middle - mustard, bottom - Green gram

  2.  Below Thumb - lung part - methi

  3.  Back of palm - kidney points - Soya

Allergy, Skin disease

Note: Skin - needs to be hydrated, it is a sense organ and driven by the air (vayu) element - address all of them using seeds

Day 1:

  1.  Index finger bottom square - methi 

  2.  Both hands - back of hand -  between all fingers in between knuckles - one pepper each

  3.  Both wrists back of hand - mid-point - one pepper

Day 2:

  1. Index finger bottom square - methi 

  2. Anus point - Methi

  3. Right hand - all fingers front side - Middle portion - one pepper each

Energy to Endocrine system, energy to knees, bones, heal arthritis


Seeds - location on palm


  1.  Index finger - front bottom square - Methi

  2.  Index finger - back bottom square - 3 peppers one below the other

Sciatica, L4-L5 pain, Hip pain

Soak/Bathe in rock/sea salt warm water

  1.  Index finger bottom square - 3 soya bean

Calcium Deficiency, Uterus fibroid, uterus related etc.

  1.  Thumb back side nail base mid-point - one pepper 

  2.  Index finger bottom square - methi 

Insomnia/Headache/Increase energy

  1.  Thumb throat point - one pepper 

  2.  Index finger bottom square - methi 

Thyroid treatment

  1.  Pancreas point - one pepper (base of palm-directly below index finger)

  2.  Index finger bottom square - methi 

Pancreas Treatment

  1.  Behind Palm - 2 soybean kidney point

  2.  Index finger back side base - 1 soyabean

Adrenal Glands

Seed therapy for Overall health

Apply seed as follows for the pic above - 
1) small 3 circles together - 3 soya beans (Index finger base and palm base - right below little finger)
2) squares (open and closed) - methi(Fenugreek) - base of palm, middle palm, index finger middle, tip of little finger
3) oval shape at base of palm - next to square - mustard
4) dot at base of thumb - one pepper
5) U-shape between ring finger and middle finger - methi (fenugreek)
6) Soya beans on kidney point at the back of palm

Benefits -
a) Resets metabolic rate
b) Mobilises unwanted fat
c) Purifies blood
d) All organ system reset to it's original rhythm
e) Diseases kept away

High Sugar - Type 2 Diabetes patients with leg and heel pain, dots formed on feet, swelling, numbness and other issues related to sugar

Apply seed as follows on your palm as indicated in pic above -
1) Index finger bottom phalange - fenugreek in the square
2) Between middle finger and ring finger in the cusp - methi (fenugreek)
3) Top phalange of Middle finger, ring finger and little finger - methi
4) Top of little finger - one pepper in the middle of methi patch
5) Pancreas part at base of palm - mustard
6) stomach part at base of thumb - methi
7) Liver part at base of thumb - mustard
8) Back of thumb at base of nail - one pepper corn
9) Kidney points at back of palm - soya beans one each

Seed selection disease-based:





Asthma, Bronchitis


Arthritis, Inflammation, Spasm, Paralysis

Red lucky seed(Manjadi Kuru)

Constipation, toothache

Flax, cumin seeds

Diabetes, epilepsy


Eye inflammation



Red burning pepper seeds

General weakening of the system

Round pea seeds at chakra points inner palm

Hearing and Vision

Pomegranate seeds

Haemorrhoids, gout
