Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Lord Siva, the Pancha Mukhas

And I was now given the dedicatory verse praising the five faces of Lord Siva, the Pancha Mukhas as described in the Mahanyasa, the prelude to the Rudraabhisheka.
The gist of the verses was: "may all these five faces of Lord Siva, i.e.
Sadyojata, the bright and watery westward Face,
Vama Deva the golden like northward face,
Aghora - the rainy cloud like southward face,
Tatpurusha, the eastward face glittering like the rising Sun and
Isaana, the brilliant upward face, grant all your wishes!"

I had always some dissatisfaction that the Sage did not give any personal teaching or message to me during my visits.
And there were three cinematic scenarios.
The message, was the Gayatri should not be ignored.
In the second scenario, I saw the Sage reading some religious book. The message was that one's worship of Deity and the Nama Parayana were to be performed daily without fail.
And in the third scenario, I saw the Sage seated in meditation in the Padmasana, and he had his 'anjali' full of jasmine flowers, which He now put on His head in abhisheka and the message was that every individual is Brahman himself and must realise that truth.

The Sage of Kanchi thus taught: 'My life is my message' and is making a clarion call to humanity to realise its divinity giving up the demoniac characteristics of Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya-the Arishadvargas which prevent man from realising the Reality that is Himself.

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