Saturday, September 17, 2022

Science behind mudras - Six Daily Mudras

Shri Gurubhyo Namah

Thank you LBN Tech, Chennai for the platform.

The soul sits on the chariot of the body with intelligence as the driver, mind as the reins, and the senses as the horses.

The 1 hour mudra session on Six Daily mudras is available on this link - Science behind mudras - Six Daily Mudras

For more detailed session and blog, visit Mudras Elaborate session - Part 1

Contact - 9900509430

Look at all your extremities - scalp, eyes ears, nose-tip, lips, finger and toe tips -

Regular exercise for sense organ endings - all age groups -

1) roll your tongue - 10 times clockwise, anti clockwise
2) massage with index fingers both sides - mouth, nose ears, eyes, palms
3) ears - massage, twist, bend
4) eyes - massage on all sides
5) nose tip - pragna chakra
6) fingers, toes, palm, feet micro circulation
7) If possible, bend your head down and start combing touching all the points on your scalp. If not, find a partner and do it for each other or simply go to a parlor for a head massage once a week.

Specially for the Elderly - can be practised any time. Minimum 10 minutes with concentration on breath for mudras.
1) Tap on head
2) Hand preparation - palm on palm, web press, finger tips, back of palm, sides of Palm, twist wrist and fingers
3) eye points - Eyebrow corners, below eye - tap tap tap
4) nose points - both bases at nose tip
5) chin point - chin centre
6) side of thighs - tap the sides of the thigh
7) ear points - behind ear massage, press and release ear from the base to the top of the ear for instant energy
8) pinch from behind ankle upwards - Urinary Bladder healing
9) massage back of neck - press and push skin from sideways
10) massage knee - press and push skin from all around
11) micro circulation of fingers and toes
12) space element high for elderly - so body parameters different everyday - but mind can be tackled to heal self
13) mudras - 6 daily
14) sara sara mudra - vulcan symbol (fingers separated at the centre) - arthritis healed 
15) visha-hara mudra - same as above + place thumb at the base of ring finger side as if feeling pulse in ring finger - helps detoxify body
16) kailash mudra - thumbs up with right hand, place on the left palm - dead cells wither away 
17) varuna mudra - water balance
18) meow mudra - BP
19) block removal mudra - criss-cross fingers and stretch thumbs out at chest level
20) ganapa mudra - cup hands at chest level and yank - good for lungs, shoulders, harmony
21) suchi mudra - both hands fist at chest centre - inhaling stretch index finger out and stretch both hands to the front and sideways making a circle, exhaling back to chest and form fist again - cures constipation, very effective - in half hour, bowel cleansing will happen.
22) garuda mudra if no BP - 3 levels - interlock thumbs and spread fingers like wings of a bird - spread at lower abdomen level, then at upper abdomen level and finally at chest level.
23) thumbs merudanda mudra - thumbs up - place on thighs for 10 breaths each round - first round, thumb facing inwards, second round thumbs facing sky, third and final round - thumbs facing outwards.
24) AUM chanting with 4 mudras - Jnana(Chin) mudra - A, Chinmaya mudra - U, Adi mudra - M and Brahma Mudra - silence.
25) Sahaj shankha mudra for back pain and activating 10 nadis in the body - interlock all fingers and place thumbs parallel to each other on interlocked fingers and hold at convenient level.
26) Urinary leakage cure - interlock pinky fingers with force and release 10-20 times twice a day.

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