Sunday, July 1, 2018

Hiranyagarbha - the Divine womb and the physical womb - a comparison

Sharing some interesting thought process during last week
A child in the womb is getting all its nourishment without any effort. But all its sense organs are not used, it is not yet caught up with the illusions of the world. And the only nada it listens to is the nada - heartbeat of its mother.

If we attain that in our lives in this world, then we'll be connected to the divine line where there's nothing to do, nothing to think but to simply stay.

Because our earth as per scriptures is also in a location called hiranyagarbha where auto supply of everything is available including bliss, for that we need to enter the state of a child in the womb and listen deep only to the soul's rhythm and stay tuned inwards there.
That's why the attempt in yoga and every discipline is to listen to the unheard.. Known as anahata - your heart chakra

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