Saturday, May 8, 2021

Wellness with Pranayama - Next Step towards the Divine - Part 2

Source: Internet, Books
Whatsapp Contact - 9900509430 

Link to Blog Part 1 - Part 1 - Wellness with Pranayama

Wellness with Pranayama on youtube - Part 1 - Day 1 - Wellness with Pranayama

Wellness with Pranayama on youtube - Part 2 - Day 2 - Wellness with Pranayama

Use this link for practice session - Click here to practice pranayama with me

The above practice session includes the below sequence for pranayama practice:

1) Observe breath - inhale, exhale and the entire circulatory system - cold air inhaled for energising and collecting toxins to be exhaled as warm air.
2) Mukha Dhauti (routine) or Plavni Pranayama (if March/October)
3) Double breathing - one short, one long inhale through nose(smelling flowers), tighten every part of the body from toe to head, followed by one short, one long exhale through the mouth with an "ahh" sound!!
4) Open lungs 360 degrees using neuro-muscular breathing
5) Balancing the breath through both nostrils pranayama using kaki mudra(palms below opposite armpit) for 2 to 3 breaths
6) Anapana sati pranayama - Tongue on palate, inhale-ajna chakra(eye-brow-centre), exhale-prajna chakra(nose-tip)
7) Bhastrika Pranayama
8) Kapalabhati Pranayama
9) Bahya pranayama with maha bandha
10) Ujjayi Pranayama
11) Anulom-vilom, Nadi shodhana pranayama
12) Brahmari Pranayama
13) Udgeeth Pranayama

14) Dhyana - A short guided meditation

Other pranayama that can be practiced are - Cooling Pranayama - (Sheetali, Shitkari, Sadanta), Pancha-mukhi mudra with karna-rogantak pranayama, Hakini mudra integrated pranayama for better concentration and improved memory, Ganapa mudra with breath pattern - inhale-release palms hook, exhale - pull palm hook, Pankaja mudra with breath pattern(exhale-open, inhale-close).

Understanding Pancha Prana

The Pranas also double up as forms of energy and work on all the elements.

1) Prana – Energising - Prana energizes the elements in whatever they do.

2) Udana - Communication and Buoyancy - Udana governs the upward transformation of the elements, allowing earth to become water, water to become fire, fire to become air and air to become ether. ex. Bumble bee levitating

3) Apana – Elimination - Apana governs the downward transformation, allowing ether to become air, air to become fire, to become water, and water to become earth.

4) Vyana – Circulation - Vyana allows for the differentiation of the elements and grants each their separate sphere of activity.

5) Samana – Digestion - Samana brings about the integration of the elements and keeps them connected.

Energy/Potential - Only when we are aware, we have the power, we can deliver. For that, we need to trigger the potential, activate it, awaken it! Like an astram(weapon)! That is what Yoga is all about - introduce you to yourself and awaken your inner potential.

Prana and Yoga

Spiritual beings on an Earthly sojourn to have a human experience…

So who is human? – one with Discriminatory capability(Viveka)

What is yoga?





Yoga = Union

Attain Sat-chit-anand = existence + consciousness + bliss                

Bliss does not indicate Joy but equanimous state where there is no excess joy or excess grief.

Give up Pancha Abhimani – my body, my mind, my family, my possession, my profession

Four Paths of Yoga

       Karma Yoga - The path of action and selfless service – Yoga of Excellence

       Bhakti Yoga - The path of devotion – Yoga of Devotion

       Raja Yoga - The eight-fold path – Yoga of Self-realisation

       Jnana Yoga - The path of philosophical knowledge – Yoga of wisdom

All paths and all scriptures says only one thing – realise thy higher self and observe that you are the divine!! There is no need to look outside.

Ex. Idol in stone, ghee in milk else like spatika(one can say quartz) – we end up reflecting/becoming our thoughts

Raja Yoga – Ashtanga

Ashtanga Yoga has been addressed as Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda.

The eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are –

1)      Yama – Moral social conduct

2)      Niyama – Self discipline

3)      Asana - postures

4)      Pranayama – breathing

5)      Pratyahara – Self Withdrawal

6)      Dharana - focus

7)      Dhyana – one pointedness

8)      Samadhi – merged

What is Pranayama?

Breathing is all about air, space, muscles(sphincter, abdominal, cardiac, clavicular).

Appropriate regulation of this breath is Pranayama.

Pranayama on the other hand is the process by which Prana, the vital energy is controlled (Ayama) by the regulation of this breath. It also balances the energy within the body across cells.

Once you know how to control your breath, you also know how to get access to the universal pranic energy. Cosmic Mind (Mahat).

This regulation can be done in 3 ways – Samanya gathi, Madhyama gathi and Teevra gathi

Do’s – Always to be done only upto one’s capacity

Note: There is no competition nor comparison here.

Don’ts!! – General contradictions – Don’t do Pranayama in case of

1) Any recent surgery in the last 6 months
2) Kumbhaka(Holding breath) not allowed for BP and heart patients 
3) only samanya gathi allowed for patients.

Are you ready for Pranayama?

One is ready for Pranayama only -

ü  when they have clarity in thought (Trikarana shuddi by following yama and niyama) and

ü  When the body is in steady and comfortable Asana (posture)

So what are Asana and Pranayama?

Let us see what Maharishi Patanjali says…..

SADHANA  PADA 2.46 TO 2.50

Dwitheeyah Sadhana Padah



ततो द्वन्द्वानभिघातः॥४८॥
Tato dvandvānabhighātaḥ||48||

तस्मिन्सति श्वासप्रश्वासयोर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः॥४९॥
Tasminsati śvāsapraśvāsayorgativicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ||49||

वाह्याभ्यन्तरस्तम्भवृत्तिः देशकालसङ्ख्याभिः परिदृष्टो दीर्घसूक्ष्मः॥५०॥
Vāhyābhyantarastambhavṛttirdeśakālasaṅkhyābhiḥ paridṛṣṭo dīrghasūkṣmaḥ||50||

Asana types are not mentioned in Yoga sutra. They are defined in these scriptures - Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Hatha Ratnavali(84 asanas), Gheranda Samhita, Goraksha Samhita

Text Box: SADHANA  PADA 2.46 TO 2.50

Why pranayama?

ü  Doing good Pranayama in the morning promotes great enthusiasm, good thoughts, love for life & right activities throughout the day. The whole physiology merges with nature, love and lightness.

ü  Regular breathing exercises lowers one’s level of cortisol – the Stress hormone – resulting in a calmer state of being. (Back to our true nature!)

ü  Lengthens one’s life span

ü  Heals the body, Calms the mind

ü  Enhances the circulatory system, Glandular system is enriched, Nervous system is revitalized

ü  Pranic nadis – Nerve currents are also balanced, chakras are activated

ü  Purification of the body

ü  Development of Mental powers – higher dimensions are revealed, in a way, neuro plasticity happens and rewiring of brain leads to mental alertness, awareness and a conscious awakening happens at a spiritual level

A Step Towards the Divine indeed!!

Pranayama Concepts

Svasa - inhalation,  Prasvasa – exhalation

Puraka – conscious inhalation, Rechaka – conscious exhalation
Kumbhaka – holding breath – increases the life span
Stambha – suspended breath – depends on intensity of focus (Stambha vritti pranayama – extremely good for continuous cough, paralysis, etc. Stambha vritti pranayama – play statue and release for example – extremely good for continuous hiccough, paralysis, etc.

Note - These are regulated by time, space and number.

First step to Pranayama – Buddha preached in Sarnath – Anapaana sati yoga(mindfulness of breathing) – When I take a deep breath, I know I’ve taken a deep breath and when I’ve taken a short one, I know I’ve taken a short one – Total awareness leading to spiritual awakening.

Ana - In-breath, Apana - Out-breath, Sati - exist in(breath).

How to do this Pranayama - Dhyana mudra + tongue on upper palate + half closed eyes looking at nose tip (Prajna chakra) and just observe your breath, coming in and going out.

Bend the body, Mend the senses, End the mind!

Best Breathing pattern - When it reaches a stage of no Jerk, no pause, no breath sound!

After every practice, chin to chest normal breathing(exhale through mouth with ah sound).

Pranayama - 4 stages as defined in Shiva Samhita

  1. Arambha avastha - Commencement - interest awakened, so hasty and speedy - Brahma granthi breakthrough - (Bhootha jaya)

  2. Ghata Avastha - Intent endeavour - steadiness in breath - Vishnu Granthi breakthrough - Vessel state - mind starts filling - wise yogi - can hear sound of drum in Vishuddhi chakra (Throat chakra) - (Indriya jaya)

  3. Parichaya Avastha - Intimate knowledge - control quality - understanding Gunas and karma - Rudra Granthi breakthrough - mind starts firing - can hear sound of drum in Ajna chakra (eyebrow midpoint chakra) - (Maya jaya)

  4. Nishpatthi Avastha - Consummation state - seeds of karma burnt out - one becomes gunateetha, jeevan mukta - attains satchitananda

For 1st state, experience abdominal breathing. For calming the mind to reach first avastha, breathing in makarasana - automatic abdominal breathing as chest is locked to the ground - PSNS activated- calmness restored in just 15 breaths.

Let us practise neuro muscular breathing - 360 degree lung breathing - 

Stage 1 - Right lung focus - Left palm on right ear, elbow press on chest, right hand on abdomen - Breathe for 6 counts - fill your lungs - empty your lungs

Stage 2 - Left lung focus - Right palm on left ear, elbow press on chest, left hand on abdomen - Breathe for 6 counts

Stage 3 - Lungs at the back focus - Criss cross both hands - press on chest, feel the breath expand the lungs at the back - breath for 6 counts

Stage 4 - both palm cover the ears - elbows parallel to ground - press middle finger tips at the back of your head. - Full lung capacity used in this round - 6 counts here too.

Shavasana - Feel breathing - inhale through feet, raise breath all the way to the head. Feel body bulging. Now exhale from top of head to toes - through toes end exhale. Feel the body energised.

More on Prana – Pancha Prana and Pancha Upa Prana

Pancha Prana

v   Prana - Respiratory

v   Apana - Elimination

v   Udana – Communication and Buoyancy

v   Samana - Digestion

v   Vyana – Circulation

Pancha Upa Prana

v  Naga – Belching

v  Kurma – Eyes blinking/winking

v  Krikal – Sneezing

v  Devadutt – Yawning and Sleep

v  Dhananjay – opening and closing of Heart valves – disintegration of body after death

Why Breath Count?


Sadhguru says -

Jananam Sukatam, Maranam Karunam - Death is a great compassion if it comes at the right time - 1

Our birth has a relationship with the cycles of the sun and the cycles of the moon - both internally and externally. Likewise a woman’s body is in sync with moon cycles and thereby her menstruation timing and conceiving. 

Nine celestial objects of which 3 are most important -

  1. Earth - provides material for body

  2. Moon - sets up basic cycles within our body

  3. Sun - Everything here is solar powered

Moon works intensely with woman and the sun works intensely with men. (Jnana shakti and kriya shakti)

Lunar cycle is the shortest cycle, we have. Solar cycle is the largest cycle with 12 and a quarter years - so the journey is to go from lunar cycle to solar cycle - Surya Kriya. All of these are already working within us - but what are we wishing to maximise is a choice! 1008 cycles of the moon is considered a full life = 82 - 84 human years!

Jananam Sukatam, Maranam Karunam - Death is a great compassion if it comes at the right time - 2

Human breath = 12-15 breaths per min = 21600 times per day = 21600 is the nautical miles around the equator - one longitude to another, space is 60 nautical miles = a minute = 15 breaths = 4 seconds per breath - That space is considered as a minute!! Navigator/Aviator knows this!

Dropping our breath to 12 from 15 = live up to 108 years 

if dropped breath to 9 = 124 years

to 6 = 164 years

if somebody is in a state, static breath for long time, that means hibernating and reborn - Nirmana kaya - recreates his own body - no time span for such a person! will not die because of ailments - general trajectory of life!

What is Breath count?

Every normal person takes 4 seconds for one breath – counting to 21,600 breaths per day.

4 seconds = 1 breath

1 minute = 60/4 = 15 breaths per minute;

1 day = 15 * 60*24 = 21600 (10800 lunar breaths and 10800 solar breaths - ida and pingala nadi).

But a yog sadhak should actually breathe 3-4 breaths in a minute and slowly bring it down to 1 breath per minute.

Ajapa gayatri – soham breathing – “So” – inhalation “Ham” – exhalation

All dwindle down to Tatvamasi – That art thou!! and Aham Brahmasmi and Soham J

Hamsa Upanishad

Yoga Upanishad which belongs to Shukla Yajurveda, mentions that:

       अथ हंस ऋषिः

       अव्यक्ता गायत्री छन्दः

       परमहंसो देवता

       अहमिति बीजम्

       इति शक्तिः सोऽहमिति कीलकम्

       षट् सङ्ख्यया अहोरात्रयोरेकविंशतिसहस्राणि षट् शतान्यधिकानि भवन्ति

       "Now Hamsa is the ṛIshi;

       the metre is Avyakṭā Gāyaṭrī; 

       Paramahamsa is the ḍevaṭā (or presiding deity) 

       'Ham' is the bīja; 

       'Sa' is the śakṭī; 

       So’ham is the kīlaka.

       Thus there are six. 

There are 21, 600 Hamsas (or breaths) in a day and night.

Other references -

        Garuda purana - chap 15 - 77-80

        Dhyana Bindu Upanishad - 62-66

     Per minute 15; per hour 900... per day 21600.. that's why one can see that Kalasa of Nataraj temple is 21600 feet tall (laced with 21600 golden tiles)  with 9 entry points.

Understanding Nadi (aka swara)

This is as per Kathopanishad

As per Shiva Samhita – 3,50,000 nadis from navel center 

As per Hatha Yoga Pradipika – 72,000 nadis

As per Chandogya Upanishad – 101 nadis from the heart

All concur that one of them rise to the crown of the head and if prana leaves that way, one becomes realized and immortal. 

For both nadis to align - simple exercise - interlock hands above head with criss-cross legs - stand up and sit down

Three important nadis – Ida, Pingala and Sushumna

    Ida – cold – moon – feminine – Jnana Shakti – Parasympathetic - cool

    Pingala – hot – sun – masculine – Kriya Shakti – Sympathetic - FFF

   Sushumna – Agni – Central – Ichcha Shakti – central nadi – the one that reaches the crown of the head

Trikarana Shuddhi – Mana shuddhi, Vaak shuddhi, Kaya shuddhi (Purity of the Mind, speech and action)

Pancha Kosha – Annamaya Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Manonmaya Kosha, Vignyanamaya kosha, Anandamaya kosha

Understanding Chakras

Pranayama and its impact

       Shakti in each of us, in its rajasic mode is Prana and in its sattvic mode is Manas. By altering breath, mind can be controlled.

      Lungs are divided into 3 sections with the left side slightly smaller given the space for the Heart.

       Bottom part is Udara(stomach) – Chin Bindu

       Middle part is Ura(Chest) – Chinmaya Bindu

       Upper part is Greeva(Neck) – Adi Bindu

     Aparaaksha Bindu in the Brain is divided into two parts – that control Pooraka(Inhaling) and Rechaka(Exhaling)

    Udara Shvasa activates the Vape (Diaphragm/Abdominal breathing) when the lower part of Aparaaksha Bindu(nerves and waves there) direct the breathing process Pooraka to lower part of the lungs

       Ura Shvasa activates the Vagus aka Pneumogastric nerves when the middle part of Aparaaksha Bindu (ripples there) direct the breathing process Pooraka to central part of the lungs

      Greeva Shvasa activates the cerebral cortex when the upper part of Aparaaksha Bindu (ripples there) direct the breathing process Pooraka to upper part of the lungs


Understanding 8 Pranayama types

Benefits of the 8 pranayama

Guidelines for Pranayama

Ø  Empty stomach

Ø  Preferably at Usha or Sandhya kale (Dawn or dusk)

Ø  in a clean place, with loose fitting cloths

Ø  sitting tall on the floor or in the chair with both feet flat on the ground

Ø  with total surrendering attitude, seeking for the presence of divine

Ø  The hands should be placed on knees, facing upward with the Gyana mudra

Ø  Facing the sun is of great value

Ø  People with High BP or heart ailments, please follow the below rules:

Ø  Do pranayama only in samanya gati (slow pace)

Ø  Do not hold Kumbhak

Ø  People with abdomen ailments, please do pranayama in samanya gati and avoid putting pressure on abdomen (especially Bhastrika and Kapalbhati)

Ø  Only Anulom-vilom, Brahmari, Udgeeth and Dhyan for Pregnant women

Other Pranayama

1)      Chandra Nadi and Chandra Bhedi – cooling pranayam

2)      Surya Nadi and Surya Bhedi – heating pranayama – improves digestion

3)      Sheetali, Shitkari, Sadanta – cooling pranayam

4)      Karna rogantak – inhale through nose, hold nostrils, fill more air with mouth and holding nostrils, try to exhale through nose, the air inside will work on ears and removes blocks

5)      Kaki Pranayam – inhale thru mouth shaped like beak, tri bandh…

6)      Plavni Pranayam – suck air through mouth and exhale through mouth, tongue out and bent forward – excellent to reset digestion during seasonal changes

7)      Talbadh Pranayama 2 stages – stage 1 - chant OM in mind (4 count I:H:E) stage 2 – Chant OM (4 count I:H:E:H) – 10 rounds each

8)      Moorcha Pranayam – Bahya with shanmukhi mudra

9)      Progressive Breathing – awareness of prana healing parts of the body progressively with every breath

10)   And others

Step towards the divine - PANTHEISM – belief that God exists in all beings

What is Pantheism?

Pantheism is the belief that reality is identical with divinity, or that all-things compose an all-encompassing, immanent god.

       An eye can see all the objects. But it cannot see itself! so too, God cannot be known ever!

       "For example, when I am searching for my glasses that are on top of my head, there is no distance in space or time between me, the seeker of the glasses and the glasses. With the forgotten glasses, perched on my head, I want to be a possessor of my glasses. I am a seeker of my glasses. Because the glasses are on top of my head, I am the goal and the possessor of my glasses. The distance between the seeker and the sought is sheer ignorance alone."

       I'm the seeker and I'm the goal too


From Mahashoonya, arise the opposites. Imagine zero on the left side, then quantities on the right side should be obviously sum of positive and negative integers totaling upto zero. Ex. 0=+5-5 or +4+6-10, etc. So zero is really not nothing but an infinite possibilities.

Similarly mahashoonya creates a perceiver and the perceived on the right side.

Some interesting points to ponder

       One common problem is that we wish to ‘reach’ THAT, when in reality we ‘are’ IT all the time.

       “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” Vivekananda.

     You do not fall in love with someone who seems beautiful to you. The one that you fall in love with, begins to be beautiful. That is why beauty takes form in the person you love.

      As soon as the eye of love opens, the invisible begins to be visible to you. The presence of what is hidden begins to be experienced!


Contact - 9900509430

1 comment:

  1. Thank you somuch Umaji🙏 wonderful write up. I don't know how many times I read about your post on Radha especially you shared in telegram , its like am experiencing while reading.
