From the soul of a seeker -
Sep 12, 2024
4 vaaks - Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari - vaikhari is that speech that operates in the mouth alone, via the physical tongue; madhyama emerges into the world through the nose, via the breath; pashyanti is spoken with the eyes; para is telepathic, materializing directly from the faculty of awareness.
My thoughts - When with love, Para arising from the mooladhar gets enhanced with a sense of friendliness and problem solving at navel centre to become pashyanti (being the earth related zone of the body, can be influenced by the sattvic food consumed) gets transformed to greet the given person and situation. Thereafter, it rises above and when passing through the heart centre becomes madhyama, gets further enhanced with emotions of love, empathy with a positive aura (being the atmosphere zone of the body) and as it passes through the throat (the space zone in the body) gets creative full of truth and emerges to the outside world as vaikhari, touching the core of one and all!
On the flip side, Para arising from the mooladhar gets distorted at navel centre to become pashyanti (being the earth related zone of the body, can be influenced by the food consumed) and when intertwined with negative emotions of greed, judgmental attitude gets transformed to meet the given person and situation. Thereafter, it rises above and when passing through the heart centre becomes madhyama, gets further distorted with emotions of grief, jealousy(being the atmosphere zone of the body) and as it passes through the throat (the space zone in the body) gets entwined with criticism and emerges to the outside world as vaikhari.
Aug 11, 2024
Surabhi Mudra - interchange index finger and middle finger - chandra nadi activated and interchange ring finger and little finger - surya nadi activated - balancing of nadis and thereby hormones at every level.
July first week, 2024
Criss-cross of fingers when making a wish - hooking the mind space(middle finger) to a single thought(index finger) and focusing the mind in that single thought - Mudras redefined!!
August 4th, 2023
As I was conducting one on one mudra session to an youngster headed abroad, it suddenly struck me that the sense organs are all the "shore point" or "energy escape point" for all nerve endings and can help conserve energy if and when turned inwards. Also that they are driven by the air element as in the case of the mind turbulence! So, if air is controlled, senses and thereby mind can be controlled! So, Pranayama is a big game changer here, helping us find our journey inwards!
July 8th, 2023
Tearful emotion of absence or cheerful emotion of presence in spirit - when a person passes - choice is yours!!
July 5th, 2023
This world is a distraction - a toy to digress us from our real path!!
It can be used tactfully to keep us on our path!!
Bending the mind with the mind to control the mind!!
So watching the mind at all times is the key to stay on the path!!
July 1st, 2023
My musings day before, being Ekadashi and thanks to a query from a mudra participant -
Do you know that panchajanya is an asura who held Krishna's Guru - Guru Sandeepani's son captive?
Krishna killed the panchajanya asura and got the son released as Guru dakshina and held the asura in conch-form with him forever.
Most asuras are actually super blessed to be absorbed or adorned by the supreme!!
But it is only the highest of Bhakthas who adorn his heart centre.
A small change to the last sentence...
Only the highest of Bhakthas don't adorn his heart centre but He resides in their heart centre.... Your anahata becomes his dwelling!!
What a blessing that is!!
Becoming the cosmic consciousness!!
Cosmic consciousness awakening, manifesting from within you!!
June 30th, 2023
For vyavaharika, it is "out of sight, out of mind". So it is, therefore engaging the senses that brings everything into perspective. Here mind is engaged after the sense.
However in dream, mind is engaged first and then sense works at the superfluous level.
Mind creates it first and then one sees it in dream.
Both being maya... Only a play of mind first, sense next!! or sense first, mind next!! both times, nothing exists.
Seer is the sole truth!!
And when mind and sense are totally integrated into your passion/focus/divine, everything becomes non-exist...
July 4th, 2018
Effect of Svadhyaya and Satsanga....
A child in the womb is getting all its nourishment without any effort. But all its sense organs are not used, it is not yet caught up with the illusions of the world.
If we attain that in our lives in this world, then we'll be connected to the divine line where there's nothing to do, nothing to think but to simply stay.
Because our earth as per scriptures is also in a location called hiranyagarbha where auto supply of everything is available including bliss, for that we need to enter the state of a child in the womb...
And the only nada it listens to is the nada - heartbeat of its mother.
That's why the attempt in yoga and every discipline is to listen to the unheard.. Known as anahata - your heart chakra
The eight limbs of ashtanga yoga are:
Five Bahiranga (external to the self)
1) yam (what one should not do),
2) niyam(what one shd do)
3) asana (postures for aligning the body)
4) pranayama (connecting with breath)
5) pratyahara (withdrawing from the five senses)
Three Antaranga (internalising within self)
6) dharana - concentration
7) dhyana - meditation
8) samadhi the Bliss state - samyama
And what is surprising is exactly the reverse happens in a child... It starts from samadhi state in the womb to asana, niyam and yam on emerging
Emerging from samadhi, into dhyana, into dharana, pratyahara - that is indulging in the senses... Antaranga until here
And once in bahiranga, first activity upon birth is pranayama - breathing, and then all sheshtais.. Asanas, then aping the parents - niyama
And last of all - yama - what one should not do...
So then on we live our whole lives hoping for the reversal to happen and On a lighter note, few others just waste their lives waiting for the Yama to end the yama.
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