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Guided Meditation can be practised on any of the following - perform svadhyaya on one of these to gradually drift into yoga-nidra!
Cosmic connect - the cosmic energy cycle complete from cosmos through each atma, back to cosmos - Atma, paramatma - Hiranyagarbha meditation - from a single cell to trillions, back to singleOm Meditation - Om as the primordial cosmic sound - A-U-M - the vedic connect, the avastha traya, the Tripura - cosmic level and at the shareera levelLight meditation - observing light flow from the cosmos lighting up the body and every cell5 types of Samarasyam(One-ness)Roopa Samarasyam - the two eyes - Sun+Moon+third eye(Jnana Agni)
Nama Samarasyam (Para+Paraa)
Kritya Samarasyam (5 actions)
Nilaya(Sthithi) Samarasyam (Both Shristi(Ananda Tandavam & lasyam) and Samhara(Rudra tandavam & Lasyam)
Vasa Samarasyam (Residing point - Ultimate absolute and Hridaya Akasham)
Tattva traya - Brahman(Paramatma), Jeeva(Atma - chit), Prakruti(Achit) - Absolute reality and 2 dependent realitiesGod - one without a second has 3 forms - Parabrahman(Absolute reality),
Antaryamin(indwelling spirit of all living beings),
Akshara Brahman(Object of meditation). Akshara has 3 forms -
Kala(time)- universal
karma(Action) - universal
svabhava(nature) - produces parinama/change
The jeevas that emerge from Akshara brahman are of 3 types
Pushti - chosen ones enjoying Grace of God
Maryaada - perform rites and cultivate devotion
Pravaha - interested only in worldly life, hence transmigrate constantly ((of the soul) pass into a different body after death)
5 types of Bheda - Jeeva-Ishwara bheda, Paraspara Jeeva Bheda, Jeeva-Jada bheda, Ishvara-Jada Bheda, Paraspara Jada BhedaPancha Koshacosmic Pancha bhootaJeevatma Pancha bhoota - in stages from feet to headPancha pranaBreath - Breath to prana infusing/enhancing the life force, from inhaling at nose level to every cell in the body and then exhaling all toxins - the entire journeyHealing the body - from toes upwards till headGratitude - thanking one by one everything external and internal4 types of fasting - body movement, breath, vak, food4 types of nidra - yoga, bhoga, roga, taposurrendered attitude for the merger - let the contours vanish - that thin demarcating line! idam shareeram, Mano eva yagashaala, Jnanam eva agni, Atma shakti eva shraddha - in that offering is the following havis.... Antarik yagna - Antarmukhaevery word of mine become akshara roopam of the divine
every step become pradakshina to the divine
every morsel of food, thought, smell, hearing, sight, feel and every sense become aahuti to the divine
every moment of lying down be a namaskaram to the divineevery action of mine be samarpanam to the divine
4 types of speech - para, pashyanti, madhyama, vaikharinavadha bhakti - Sravanam, Smaranam, keerthanam, Archana, Vandana, Padasevanam, Sakhyam, Daasyam, AtmanivedanamMerging of all aviveka - atma-anatma, nitya-anitya, sat-asat, sukha-dukhamsymbiosis between respiratory system and digestive system - on the interconnection between digestive system nourishing the respiratory system with physical strength and respiratory system helping digestive system throw out pranic toxins
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