Monday, July 2, 2018

8 limbs of Ashtanga yoga and the state of a child in the womb - a comparison

What the divine revealed to me last week!

The eight limbs of ashtanga yoga are:
Four Bahiranga (external to the self)
1) yam (what one should not do),
2) niyam(what one shd do)
3) asana (postures for aligning the body)
4) pranayama (connecting with breath)
Four Antaranga (internalising within self)
5) pratyahara (withdrawing from the five senses)
6) dharana - concentration
7) dhyana - meditation
8) samadhi the Bliss state - samyama
And what is surprising is exactly the reverse happens in a child... It starts from samadhi state in the womb to asana, niyam and yam on emerging ðŸ˜³ðŸ˜±ðŸ¤”🤔😃
Emerging from samadhi, into dhyana, into dharana, pratyahara - that is indulging in the senses... Antaranga until here
And once in bahiranga, first activity upon birth is pranayama - breathing, and then all sheshtais.. Asanas, then aping the parents - niyama
And last of all - yama - what one should not do... ðŸ˜‚😜
Note: Seshtais in tamil means pranks 

So then on we live our whole lives hoping for the reversal to happen😟 and On a lighter note, few others just waste their lives waiting for the Yama to end the yama ðŸ˜œ
Gayatri Ramaratnam thanks for the add on for anahata and the last para 

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