Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Free will Vs Destiny

Free will Vs Destiny
Every individual has a certain amount of freedom and certain things are beyond his power. Life is a combination of both, free will and what is destined. 
Some things are in your control and some are not.  You cannot say nothing is in my control and you can't say everything is in my control, 
For example, you've no control on whether it rains or not. However, if it is raining, whether to get wet or not is in your control. Raining is destiny, but to not to get wet is your free will. 
- sri sri

I'll go a step further. 
Again, that's only a need/a wish in your mind - not to get wet. 
If you're destined to get wet, then you'll not find an umbrella...  Because rain is your soul's need but the five senses with the game player mind is seeking somthing else.. 
Connect with your soul search and you'll find your path laid out for you and it will become clear which is free will and which is destiny...

You've 2 options here - 
One is to identify your soul search and be on that path. 
Or simply stay with the flow accepting what is thrown at you, gradually soul search may get revealed to you... 
Any other wish, thought beyond these is a hindrance and unnecessarily allowing the mind to indulge in its extreme play.

Further, the only free will, one has, actually in a deeper sense, is to align the mind with the destiny laid out in front of you.  That synching of the mind, keeping it completely focused on staying with the flow without any indifference in emotions or attachments or indulgence is what life is all about.

Question: This isn't easy, isn't it?

Answer: very easy.... Once you start realizing that you're allowing your mind to dwell on unnecessary thoughts...  Just move the pointer to the right thoughts... Let the unnecessary ones be moved to the recycle bin for cleansing.

Like sadhguru says...  Will you like to sit inside the Dustbin in your house, then y are you allowing your mind to sit in the recycle bin of the mind's computer??

Question: Yeah!! But when you are in the situation, a like difficult.. or may be needs some practice!

Answer: That is very true... Lots of practice definitely... 
That's y yoga teaches shifting concentration to one's breath... Automatically one unnecessary thought is fired to its destination - the recycle bin..😜
And lo!! the thought on breath takes its place. 
Steps to it - 
1) Select unnecessary thought
2) move to recycle bin
3) paste thought on breath
Pronto!! Focus shifts to breath and on its impact of breath on body
That easy!! 

The Free-will and Destiny discussion continues...

Thoughts are the free will and strong thoughts leads one to their destiny...  Any fear attached to the outcome results in obstacles testing you in the circumstances for the lack of confidence in thyself!! And any excitement attached to the outcome results in delay of the outcome as nature takes it course to prepare you for a calmer mindset to receive the outcome.

The Thought-Destiny Cycle

The process by which we create our own destiny is quite easy to see in theory; however it requires some checking to see how it matches the reality of our practical lives. Here is the process in brief:

• As our intentions, so will be our thoughts.
• As our thoughts, so will be our feelings.
• As our feelings, so will be our attitudes.
• As our attitudes, so will be our actions.
• As our actions, so will be our habits.
• As our habits, so will be our personality.

As our personality in all our relationships on our journey through life, so will be our destiny. So watch your thoughts! Be aware of your intentions!

Our intentions are based on our beliefs about who we are, where we are and why we are here. If we believe we are the physical form, our belief will be that we need to survive for as long as possible. This leads to the intention to get what we think we need before others, which leads to competition, which leads to feelings of fear. Our destiny gets shaped accordingly. When you know you are the non-physical and immortal (which is neither created nor can be destroyed) energy, a soul, then survival is no longer an issue and your intention is one to include, connect and co-operate with and enlighten others. The service of others at a spiritual level becomes the highest intention in action. It is fully free from fear and can be seen as an act of love. This is why competition and authentic spirituality can never be found together.

The one who is detached is the one who is happy.

Expression: When difficult situations come our way we tend to overreact because of our attachment and expectations. Because of this we experience much more unhappiness than what the situation actually holds. The understanding lacks that it is not the situation, but our own thoughts that are giving us sorrow.

Experience: We need to look at the situation just as we would watch it happen to someone else - with detachment. When we learn to detach ourselves from the situation in this way and see what it holds for us, we will not experience unhappiness but will be able to remain happy under all circumstances.

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